Thousands of people around the world are building practical and cost-effective wind turbine systems. If you're new to this, then you might be wondering, "Where do I begin?" What do I need to build a wind turbine system?
Here, we walk you through how to build a basic wind turbine system using our WindTura 750 as the centerpiece. We strongly advocate for using the WindTura as the basis for a cost-effective and practical wind generator for a number of reasons. Our WindTura is easy to assemble and easy to interface with other critical components for a wind turbine system. Most importantly, it was designed with both efficiency and durability in mind. That means it is optimized to produce power at realistic wind speeds and it's designed for long-term durability, made possible via our furling vane mechanism. A furling vane is crucial to ensure your system doesn't get damaged in transient and extreme wind conditions which are common and quite devastating for most small wind turbine systems.
One of the first decisions you'll have to select your battery bank voltage. Depending on what kinds of batteries you have available, we note that the WindTura will produce better power on a 24-Volt battery bank.
So here's what you'll need to build your first wind turbine system:
Available from WindyNation
WindTura Complete Wind Turbine Kit | (more info) |
3-Phase AC Bridge Rectifier | (more info) |
Xantrex C40 Charge Controller for 24 Volt | (more info) |
Xantrex C60 Charge Controller for 12 Volt | (more info) |
For 12 Volt Systems, 3x 300 Watt Dump Loads wired in parallel | (more info) |
For 24 Volt, consider 4x 300 Watt Dump Loads wired in parallel | (more info) |
Connectors | (more info) |
Cables and Wiring | (more info) |
Digital Watt Meter | (more info) |
Available from other sources
12- or 24-Volt batteries | (more info) |
Tower | (more info) |